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Holy Orders

Priest Celebrating Mass


Holy Orders is the sacrament of apostolic ministry.  Men share in Christ's priesthood to renew the sacrifice of the Cross.  Christ is the mediator of humanity and divinity, but the sacrifice is accepted from the priests' hands.  The celebration of Holy Mass and the power of forgiving sins belong to the priesthood.  The Sacrament of Holy Orders serves to build up the People of God.  If you are curious about priesthood or religious life, contact the St. Cloud Diocese Vocations Director (251-5001) and he will be happy to help you find out what to do next. 



Prayer for Vocations

Gracious God and Father, we praise You for Your goodness and love. You teach us that each vocation is born in prayer and only through prayer does it persevere and bear fruit. We ask You to stir the hearts of all those You call to the priesthood and consecrated life in the Diocese of Saint Cloud. Make them generous. Make them courageous. Make them joyful in giving everything to Jesus. Send Your Holy Spirit upon our families and our children. Choose from our parishes, our homes and our schools those called to this adventure of love. With Mary, Mother of every vocation, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.




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Assumption Catholic Church,  464 State St N Eden Valley, MN 55329  |  |  320-453-2788

 Office Hours: Mon: 12:30-4:00 pm,​​ Wednesday: 8am-4pm, ​Friday: 8am-12pm

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