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Period of Catechumenate

 Time is spent forming the heart and mind through liturgical rites and study.

Step 2: Catechumenate

This is a lengthy time of focused learning and solid spiritual formation. This step usually takes at least 1 year and may last as long as many years. The Period of Catechumenate ends with the Rite of Election. The Rite of Election is the first Sunday of Lent (in February or March) each year at the Cathedral.

Discernment for readiness of the Rite of Election (RCIA 120):

1. Conversion in mind: self-reflection and repentance

2. Conversion in action: independently seeks out personal formation

3. Developed sufficient acquaintance with Christian teaching- have completed Journey of Faith catechism

4. A spirit of faith: become Christ-centered instead of rebellious and self-centered

5. A spirit of charity: practice love of neighbor even at cost of self-renunciation

6. Deliberately intends to receive sacraments: relationship is now with God and not with community, preaching, music, or building

7. Reorder of one's life: desires relationships with other Christians

8. Take an active part in the responses, prayers, singing, and acclamations (RCIA 9)

9. Testimony from sponsor (RCIA 9)

10. Inspires apostolic activity: invites others into the Christian life (RCIA 78)

11. Turns to God more in prayer: daily prayer (RCIA 75)

12. Follows supernatural inspirations: discerns gifts and vocation (RCIA 75)

13. Experiences the joy that God gives (RCIA 75)


Other rites may be used to mark the passage of the catechumens wherever this seems beneficial or desirable. The rites ordinarily take place after a Sunday homily.


Blessing of the Catechumens- (encouraged): Choose a Sunday in late summer with the parish office

Minor Exorcism of the Catechumens- (encouraged): Choose a Sunday in late fall with the parish office

Anointing of the Catechumens- (encouraged): Choose a Sunday in January, preferably the Baptism of the Lord

Ask the parish office for a Journey of Faith Catechumenate Booklet. There is also a teacher's guide available for the sponsor.


Catechumens should have a Catholic Catechism to use.


Sponsor Tips:

‹ If the candidate doesn't yet have a Catholic Catechism, this would be a great gift to give at this time.  

‹ Collect candidate's reflections, favorite scripture quotes, testimonies, and questions to create a scrapbook gift for later.


The parish office should inscribe the names of the catechumen and sponsor in the register of catechumens.


Sponsor's Guide

How to choose a Confirmation name

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